Sunday, November 21, 2010

Something different

Lately, I've been feeling adventurous and baking some pies! My family is a BIG pie family, so I think it's kind of weird that I had more of a cake/cupcake calling. Maybe it's because I know I'll eat the whole pie if I make it, and I really like fitting into my clothes.

I've made a few pies over the summer using the ready-made pie crusts. However, I went to a cooking demo with my friend Maria recently. It was hosted by King Arthur Flour company. We had such a great time! After the demo I was so inspired that I came home and baked a pie the next day. Voila- a homemade apple pie with homemade crust! It was delicious, messy and lots of fun!! I'm definitely hooked.

Bradley is too!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Beautiful pie! I'm glad our demo helped get you there. You'll have a tasty Thanksgiving, I'm sure! Thanks for coming to the demo. Happy baking! -Allison@KingArthurFlour